
Former Arizona Governor Jan Brewer

“When it comes to the rule of law, Rachel Mitchell is a prosecutor who prosecutes, plain and simple. Her track record of getting results and her unwavering efforts to keep our neighborhoods safe make her the best to lead Maricopa County at a time when our border is completely open and crime is being legalized in hellscapes like San Francisco.”

Arizona Police Association

“Rachel Mitchell is the prosecutor who prosecutes. Law enforcement trusts her to work closely, knowing she will deliver results.”

Arizona Fraternal Order of Police

“Rachel Mitchell is the trusted prosecutor we need leading the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office. She has proven her ability to deliver justice effectively and efficiently.”

Jobe Dickinson, Executive Director, Combined Law Enforcement Associations of Arizona (CLEAA)

“CLEAA is proud to support Rachel Mitchell for Maricopa County Attorney and we are confident she will continue to advocate for victims and support law enforcement in our communities.”

Phoenix Law Enforcement Association (PLEA)

“When it comes to keeping our communities safe, there is no one better to lead the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office than Rachel Mitchell. Rachel Mitchell has done an excellent job since taking over the office, and PLEA is proud to endorse her candidacy.”

Ben Leuschner, President, Phoenix Police Sergeants and Lieutenants Association (PPSLA)

“As County Attorney, Rachel Mitchell vigorously enforces the laws of the State of Arizona while also ensuring the preservation of the due process rights of police officers. Rachel is an experienced, dedicated prosecutor who has demonstrated a commitment to the victims of crime and the rule of law. We believe the residents of Maricopa County would be well-served by Rachel and her professional approach to law enforcement.”

Samuel Wagner, President, Chandler Law Enforcement Association

“The Chandler Law Enforcement Association is proud to endorse County Attorney Rachel Mitchell in her campaign, alongside the Arizona Police Association and our law enforcement partners.”

Rob Ferraro, President, Tempe Officers Association

“Rachel Mitchell has demonstrated a strong dedication to protecting our community and supporting law enforcement. We believe her track record of prosecuting criminals and advocating for victims makes her the best candidate for Maricopa County Attorney.”

Jeff Hawkins, President, Arizona State Troopers Association

“We are proud to endorse Rachel Mitchell for Maricopa County Attorney. Her track record of prosecuting criminals and being tough on crime demonstrates her commitment to public safety. We believe she is the right candidate to partner with us to protect the residents of Maricopa County.”

Arizona Chamber of Commerce and Industry

“Rachel Mitchell’s proactive approach to protecting businesses and our neighborhoods from the impact of organized retail crime demonstrates her commitment to fostering a safe and thriving environment for all residents and business owners of Maricopa County. We are proud to endorse Rachel Mitchell for Maricopa County Attorney and confident that she will continue to enforce the rule of law and safeguard our business community.”

Queen Creek Mayor Julia Wheatley

“Rachel Mitchell’s relentless pursuit of justice in prosecuting the ‘Gilbert Goons’ and addressing teen violence emphasizes her unwavering commitment to keeping our communities safe and securing justice for victims. I am proud to endorse her candidacy for Maricopa County Attorney.”

Queen Creek Councilman Jeff Brown

“I am proud to endorse Rachel Mitchell for Maricopa County Attorney. Keeping crime rates low in the Town of Queen Creek and the region is a top priority. We need an experienced, unwavering prosecutor that we can count on to crack down on criminal street gangs like ‘Gilbert Goons’ and to keep our communities safe. Rachel Mitchell has the experience, and her commitment is time tested and proven.”

Former Gilbert Vice Mayor Joan Krueger

“I am proud to endorse Rachel Mitchell for Maricopa County Attorney. Her relentless focus on public safety and her proactive approach to tackling issues like teen violence demonstrate her unwavering commitment to protecting our communities.”

Phoenix Councilman Jim Waring

“Rachel Mitchell’s commitment to public safety is unparalleled, and I have full confidence in her to prosecute criminals and protect our communities. Rachel’s dedication to upholding the law and ensuring justice prevails makes her the clear choice for Maricopa County Attorney.”

Surprise Councilman Jack Hastings

“Rachel Mitchell has proven herself as a relentless advocate for public safety. Her dedication to protecting our communities and holding criminals accountable is exactly what we need in a County Attorney.”

Queen Creek Vice Mayor Leah Martineau

“Rachel Mitchell’s active involvement in addressing the needs of our communities showcases her dedication to ensuring our neighborhoods are safe places to live and thrive. Her proactive approach to prosecuting the ‘Gilbert Goons’ and her commitment to seeking justice for victims highlight her leadership in tackling pressing issues and prioritizing public safety.”

Queen Creek Councilman Bryan McClure

“Rachel Mitchell’s unwavering dedication to tackling teen violence highlights her steadfast commitment to community safety. I proudly endorse Rachel Mitchell for Maricopa County Attorney, confident in her ability to confront these challenges head-on and ensure a safer future for all residents.”

Sara O’Meara and Yvonne Fedderson

“We have had the privilege of witnessing Rachel’s unwavering commitment to our community for many years. She is not only a tireless advocate for children but also a dedicated champion for justice. Her leadership and vision will help restore trust in the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office. Bringing a wealth of experience to the courtroom, Rachel has been a steadfast voice since taking office, leading teams of prosecutors and holding dangerous criminals accountable. She will protect victims and children, and keep our community safe. We are incredibly proud to support Rachel Mitchell for Maricopa County Attorney.”